Thinking beyond tomorrow:
responsibility at Prym

What we stand for:
values, sustainability
& compliance

From the 16th century to the digital age

Developing a company for centuries requires innovative strength, courage and long-term thinking. And it requires a firm foundation on which to base daily work in the interests of all stakeholders, because they rely on the integrity of our group and everyone who works for it.

The stable foundation of the Prym Group is our values, which we formulated years ago, and to which we refer again and again in our day-to-day work, always bringing them to life anew.

Our values: what guides us

Focus: Bei uns steht der Kunde im Mittelpunkt

We focus on our customer every day

We live from our customers. They come first. We work actively to meet the needs of internal and external customers and to inspire them with new and optimized solutions. Close customer relationships are very important to us. Our goal is to anticipate and exceed our customers’ expectations. Because we want to inspire them.

Improve - Wir arbeiten kontinuierlich an Verbesserungen

We continuously improve

We want to continuously improve ourselves. In doing so, we only change things if we also think laterally from time to time – “out of the box”. Our willingness to solve problems innovatively, as well as our many years of experience and know-how, are the key to our success.

Respect - Wir respektieren und unterstützen einander

We respect and promote each other

We treat each other with respect, regardless of gender, origin or position. We value our colleagues and are open to new ideas and unconventional suggestions. Everyone retains the support they need. We give constructive feedback and use it to encourage others. And to grow beyond ourselves. Everyone can make a difference – every day.

Act - Wir handeln unternehmerisch

We act as entrepreneurs

We work independently and take responsibility for our actions. In everything we do, we strive for excellence and high quality. We work efficiently as a team to achieve our goals. In doing so, we encourage independent thinking, tolerate mistakes and are willing to take risks.

Walk the talk - Wir halten, was wir versprechen

We walk the talk

We act according to our convictions, are trustworthy and show a high sense of duty in our daily business. We do not do things by halves, are honest and work transparently. People can always rely on us.

Acting future-oriented means acting sustainably

Values, sustainability and responsibility are some of the big buzzwords of our time, and more and more companies are positioning themselves on them. And rightly so. After all, they are important parts of the societies in which they operate and must therefore actively help to meet the demands of people, the environment and the community.

The fact that companies are being held more accountable for their actions is also reflected in the increasing reporting obligations that they have to meet. These ensure that not only the status quo in the areas of the environment, social affairs and corporate governance (ESG) is reproduced, but tahte deficits are highlighted and areas for action become visible.

The Prym Group has therefore set up an ESG management system that is now firmly anchored in the company organization. Specific activities and measurable targets have been defined in all areas, based on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In future, our sustainability report will provide information on the steps we have already taken, the milestones that lie ahead and the goals we have in mind.

Carbon neutral by 2040

The Prym Group wants to become carbon neutral by 2040. This includes all emissions, i.e. Scope 1, 2 and 3. This classification distinguishes between emissions that a company can directly influence itself and those that it can only influence indirectly, for example because they are generated by suppliers. We want to achieve important milestones for Scope 1 and 2 in advance.

Profit for purpose

For us, being part of society also means giving something back. That’s why we use one percent of our profits for projects that benefit children and young people. Most of these funds go to Kindernothilfe e.V., which is a central partner for our social commitment.

Compliance: indispensable and relevant for each and every one of us

It should go without saying, each and every one of us complies with rules and laws. But for businesses with a broad international footprint, complex business models and operations in very different markets, compliance can also be complex. That’s why we have formulated clear rules and policies and installed a network of compliance ambassadors to support our employees in case of doubt.

And in the event that one of our stakeholders wishes to report a potential compliance grievance, we have set up a process that protects whistleblowers from negative consequences and ensures compliance with legal requirements.

The company can promptly investigate the report, ask questions, and take action or provide feedback to management as appropriate.

If you would like to file a compliance complaint, click here to access our grievance form: